If statements and logical operations branch code Build a lesson in Python to shows logic gates. Try to be creative, Teacher has some code that supports logic gates in archives or reference Geeks. Try to be creative and make this interesting.
Review key college board materials Provide and overview of a Python If statement with expression versus College Board Pseudo Code Cover all Python Logical Operations (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR) Introduce De Morgan’s Law which should be great for Hacks Provide Popcorn Hacks and Homework Hacks
Iteration Build a lesson in Python to shows various way you can create a loop in Python. Try to be creative, Reference [Geeks](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/loops-in-python/. Try to be creative and make this interesting.
Review key college board materials Provide and overview of a Python Loop and expression versus College Board Pseudo Code Cover loops with List and with Dictionary Cover loops using an index variable, versus “the usual way” Create a for loop with nested ifs inside of a loop Create a for loop with Try / Except Create a for loop using Continue and Break Create iteration using recursion Provide Popcorn Hacks and Homework Hacks