Variables names are abstractions in Code to hold values of data Build a lesson in Python to show the usage of variables and common data types. We are looking for something fun and creative.
Review key college board materials Discuss naming conventions for variables Discuss the difference of a primitive data types versus collection type Use examples with Lists and Dictionaries as collections of all data types Show output concatenation and formatting Show conversions of data types, specifically from and to JSON Provide and overview of Python Data Types with College Board Pseudo Code Provide Popcorn Hacks and Homework Hacks
An algorithm is a finite set of instructions to solve a problem Build a lesson in Python to show how an algoritm is made in code. Be sure to break down algorithm into code parts that include sequencing, selection, and iteration. We are looking for something fun and creative.
Review key college board materials Provide and overview of a Python Algoritm versus College Board Pseudo Code Discuss College Board Robot MCQ problems, left-right-up-down problems Cover Math Operations and provide some Math Algoritms (ie Fibonacci, Factorial, …) Cover String Operations and Concatenation with Alogorithms (ie Palindrome) Provide Popcorn Hacks and Homework Hacks