from flask import Blueprint, jsonify # These are used to create a Blueprint for organizing routes and to create JSON responses
from flask_restful import Api, Resource # These are used to define REST API routes and resources
import requests # used for testing
import random # This module is used for generating random values, though it's not used in the provided code.
import http.client #This module is imported but not used in the code
from model.cityimagesmodel import *
cityImage_api = Blueprint('cityImage_api', __name__,
#By creating a Blueprint with a specific name and URL prefix, you can group related routes and views together.
#This makes it easier to organize and manage your application, especially when you have multiple Blueprints or complex route structures.
# API generator
api = Api(cityImage_api)
class CityImageAPI:
# The CityImageAPI class is defined but is not yet implemented.
# This class is meant to define various API endpoints and resources related to city images, but it currently lacks any implemented methods.
class _Read(Resource):
def get(self, cityName):
return_dictionary = {"image_url": getCityImage(cityName)}
return jsonify(return_dictionary)
# 1.Receives the cityName as a parameter from the URL.
# 2.Calls a function getCityImage(cityName) to get the image URL associated with the provided city name.
# 3.Constructs a JSON dictionary containing the image URL with the key "image_url."
# 4.Returns this JSON dictionary as a response using Flask's jsonify function, making it an HTTP response with JSON content.
api.add_resource(_Read, '/<string:cityName>')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# server = "" # run local
server = '' # run from web
url = server + "/api/cityimage"
responses = [] # responses list
# 1.It sets the server variable to either a local or a web server URL based on the current execution context.
# If running locally, it's using "" as the server URL. If running from the web, it uses ''.
# 2.It constructs the url by appending "/api/cityimage" to the server URL. This URL represents the endpoint of the Flask API.
# 3.It initializes an empty list called responses. This list is likely intended to store responses received from making HTTP requests to the url.
# The purpose of this list may become clearer in the rest of the code or in subsequent parts of the script.
WHat the code does
The provided code is a partial implementation of a Flask-based RESTful API for retrieving city images based on city names. It defines a Flask Blueprint with a URL prefix of /api/cityimage and uses Flask-RESTful to create an API (when put in postman it gives data the user will see). The incomplete CityImageAPI class is intended to handle API requests, and it contains an inner class _Read to respond to GET requests by fetching city image URLs using a function from the cityimagesmodel module. The code also sets up a server URL and prepares to make requests to the API, either running locally or remotely. However, the code lacks the full implementation of how the API should respond to requests, and the methods within the CityImageAPI class need to be defined for the API to work as intended.